How Donors Have Made A Difference
We have individuals who support us with one-time gifts, and organizations that provide large annual donations. Every dollar makes a difference! In the past 18 months, donations have helped us:
Facilitate 5,852 equine-assisted therapy sessions
Award 13 individual participant scholarships
Provide a scholarship for 1 group to take part in our Taking The Lead program
Programming with the GOAL Academy and Chambliss Foster Care through grant support
Continuation of our Taking The Lead program with Bradley County Schools
Welcome 6 new horses to the program
Start Silver Stirrups, a riding program for adults
Replace broken fences and install new, secure pasture fencing in the gelding's pasture
Implement a mud and pasture management system for horse health and safety
How Horses Help Us
Through the eyes of a horse, we are not judged by our different abilities - we are able to be who we are and achieve what we set our minds to. You can read a few of our testimonials to learn for yourself how horses can make a lasting impact in our lives. At Tri-State Therapeutic Riding Center, we get to experience firsthand the incredible changes in participants' abilities through our programs, including:
communication skills
body balance & coordination
riding skills
social skills
sensory processing
mental health
emotional well-being

Our Annual
Did You Know...
... that Equine Medical Center of Cleveland sponsors the vet care for ALL of our horses? From basic vaccinations to dramatic surgeries for the inevitable (and inexplicable) horse injury, Dr. Arlyn Blazer and Dr. Scott Williams along with their vet tech team provide top-rate care for our herd and are a key partner in sustaining our program.
With a herd the size of ours, we could not continue to operate successfully if we had to bear the additional costs of regular and emergency veterinary care that we need for our horses. We are forever grateful for their support!

Bert + Frosty Take The Show On The Road
For more news and updates, check out the "Barn Banter"
or register for our quarterly e-newsletter!
Submitted by Janice, mother-in-law of a resident
What a blessing it was for the mini horses to come to the Courtyard Assisted Living! The staff and residents were thrilled to see them. The sight, touch, and sounds all went together to help bring back memories. I also saw wonder and so many smiles on their faces.
Often elderly residents don't have many visitors or interactions. These mini horses had everyone interacting and moving. One of the ladies who was napping at the beginning, woke to see a horse by her. I hadn't seen such a big smile from her before.
It was hard to know what one of the ladies with advanced dementia was thinking, but she was animated and I believe she was remembering the workhorse from her farm growing up.
I can't stress enough how amazing this experience was for all involved. Olivia and Claire were very professional and knew what the horses needed as well as being so kind and understanding with the residents.
Frosty and Bert were handsome in their hats and very patient with all the love they were getting. The staff also enjoyed the mini horses and seeing the residents interact with them. One of them said it was better than Christmas!
I hope to see Bert and Frosty come back again!
It may seem to some just a little thing for them to stop by for an hour, but this was a huge blessing mentally and physically for the residents and so much fun.